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Oklahoma State University

Perfect place to call home
Thousands of students from across the world attend Oklahoma State University every year. Hear how they've made OSU their home away from home.

Around the World

More than 90+ countries represented
OSU is attracting amazing students from around the world. International and domestic students share their cultures and traditions every day on campus.

International students describe OSU

OSU students from China

Yiman, Lihui and Siqi talk about their experience at OSU.

OSU students from Vietnam

Hung, Doan and Ruby share their time at OSU and why it may be a great choice for their peers.

Whoi Choi from South Korea

Whoi talks about his academic experience and research opportunities at OSU.

Mustafa Alfakih from Saudi Arabia

Mustafa shares his favorite classes, advice for future cowboys and what led him to OSU.

Take a peek into OSU

ENDEAVOR Tour with Dr. Hu

ENDEAVOR is a state-of-the art engineering lab that provides an interdisciplinary and hands-on learning experience.

Student Clubs with Anna

Anna is an international student from India. She talks about her campus involvement and advice for future OSU students.

Hands-on learning experience with Maggie

Maggie is an agribusiness student from Chengdu, China. She describes her major and the real-world experience that she's able to receive at OSU.

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