Financial Planning Coaches
We can help
Financial Planning Coaches are here to assist students and families with financial strategies to pay for college and help reduce the anxiety that can come from college finances - including overcoming financial setbacks. We work within the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid to ensure you have access to financial support to fund your education.
Meet your Financial Planning Coach
Meet with us today!
Don't wait until the last minute, reach out now to figure out your financial plan.
Money Talk Series
Financial Planning Coaches will host several events discussing a wide range of topics
from "Paying for College" to "Navigating Scholarships and FAFSA" designed to set you
up for financial success during your time at OSU and beyond. This is a financial
literacy series geared toward current freshmen.
Cash Chats Series
Financial Planning Coaches will host several events discussing a wide range of topics
from "Budgeting 101" to "Navigating Scholarships and FAFSA" designed to set you up
for financial success during your time at OSU and beyond. This is a financial literacy
series geared toward sophomore, junior and senior students.