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Changes to aid

There can be different circumstances that may require your financial aid to be adjusted.


Enrollment changes before the semester begins

Your enrollment plans are key in the determination of your educational costs. If your plans for the upcoming fall or spring semester change from what you see on, you can complete the online enrollment update form to tell us of changes to your enrollment or living arrangements. This form is only available each semester until the partial refund deadline for dropping/adding courses.


After the partial refund deadline for dropping/adding courses, you can no longer use the online enrollment update form for that semester. Our office will begin automatically making adjustments to financial aid and notifying you regarding any changes made. Please contact our office if you have further questions about enrollment changes during this time.


Dropping/adding courses

  • Dropping/adding classes during the partial refund period: If you drop/add classes during the partial refund period, your financial aid will be revised based on the new level of enrollment. If you drop classes, you may be required to repay some or all previously disbursed aid.
  • Dropping classes after the partial refund period: If you drop courses after the partial refund period, your eligibility for future financial aid may be affected. Review the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and the Withdrawal/Failure to Attend All Classes Policy and contact our office if you have questions.
  • Pell Grant: amount is based on hours enrolled as of partial refund period, unless documented institutional error.
  • SEOG, Federal Work-Study: if cancelled or reduced, reinstatement of this aid is subject to availability of funds at the time requested.
  • Scholarships/tuition waivers: If you are receiving a scholarship/tuition waiver, are you enrolled in the correct number of hours to receive the award? Most undergraduate tuition waivers and cash scholarships require a minimum of 12 hours each semester. During your graduating semester, you may be able to receive all or part of your scholarship while attending less than full-time.
  • Graduate Students: If you are a graduate student, you should check with your academic department to determine the enrollment requirements to receive a graduate scholarship/tuition waiver.

Change in class level

Undergraduate students who change from freshman to sophomore, or sophomore to junior status may be eligible to request a federal student loan increase after the semester in which their class status changes. (Note: students are still limited to their cost of attendance, so other aid such as the Parent PLUS Loan may be reduced to accommodate the increase in student loan.)


Receiving other aid

Students should report any form of aid not included on their award letter using the financial aid tab in the Student Self Service portal at

If our office receives notice at any time that a student is receiving scholarships, tuition assistance, or any other form of aid, we are required to reevaluate the original financial aid offered. We make every attempt to reduce loans first, but in some cases we must replace other need-based aid such as grants or work-study.


Corrections to the FAFSA

Whenever our office receives information that doesn’t match what was reported on the FAFSA, we are required to make corrections. You or your parent may also realize that an error was made or that there is an update needed to the FAFSA information. If our office receives corrections, we may request documentation to verify this information.


Change to In-State or Out-of-State Status

Out-of-State students who are granted in-state status may receive an aid adjustment if they were awarded at the out-of-state status since tuition costs are less.



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