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What is the Gateway Program?

The NOC-OSU Gateway Program allows students to take courses at NOC Stillwater while preparing to transfer to OSU. Gateway students have access to a number of campus resources, making the transition to OSU even easier.


Gateway students may meet with OSU advisers on a regular basis to help ensure they are prepared to transfer to OSU. All NOC Stillwater general education courses* are transferable to OSU. Please consult degree requirements for major-specific general education requirements.


Students also benefit from a number of OSU amenities and services including:

*Zero-level remedial courses and sports classes are not transferable.

How do I apply?

  1. Apply to NOC Stillwater
  2. Apply for financial aid using NOC's school code (003162).
  3. Meet with an academic advisor at the NOC Stillwater campus to enroll.

How do I transfer to Oklahoma State University?

Students must earn 24 hours of transferable college-level credit through NOC Stillwater with a 2.25 minimum cumulative grade-point average. OSU admissions counselors are available to help Gateway students ensure they meet all OSU admission requirements. 

Once students meet OSU transfer requirements, they can apply online to OSU. Gateway students who applied to OSU as freshmen and did not meet admission requirements will have their $40 application fee waived when they apply to transfer.

Where is NOC located?


NOC Map, Noc is located on the North side of campus, on Connell and Monroe

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