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The need for a strategy

As a complex, multi-campus R-1 research university with colleges and schools across the full range of academic inquiry, a student population of more than 33,000, a faculty and staff of nearly 6,000 and a physical presence in all 77 counties in the state and influence around the world, the need for an integrated set of choices to guide and inform decision-making across the enterprise is critical to maximizing OSU’s impact on society.


What follows is a statement of Oklahoma State University’s fundamental commitments, collective aspirations, strategic priorities and high-level imperatives for achieving Land-Grant preeminence and successful stewardship of the public trust. Accompanying and undergirding the broad strategy statement will be a series of tactical decisions that will operationalize the strategic priorities and bring them to life within each of the University’s colleges, schools, academic units, divisions and campuses.


The strategy provides the framework in which individual components of the OSU system will align to drive success and impact communities.

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