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BAE senior showcase

What is biosystems engineering?

Biosystems engineering addresses critical issues related to sustainable food supply, natural resources, energy, and health through integration of life and agricultural sciences with fundamental engineering principles.

Why biosystems engineering at OSU?

The Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering is dedicated to providing a high quality educational experience within a family-like atmosphere for students that is rooted in working at the interface of science, engineering and technology. You will be challenged to define innovative solutions to real-world problems through hands-on experiences, effectively work independently and in teams, communicate across disciplines, and engage in professional development opportunities.

Career paths

Professions in the public or private sector to meet new demands of a growing population faced with limited resources—possible job titles include:

Strong Partnership

Biosystems engineering students are part of both the Ferguson College of Agriculture and the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology.

Study Options

The bachelor of science in biosystems engineering is offered with four options which allow students to specialize their studies to suit their unique interests. Find more information about our options in the sidebar to the left. 


The pre-medical option is a great fit if you're considering entry into a health profession. The pre-medical option meets requirements for medical schools and engineering careers, and also prepares you for graduate study in biomedical engineering or other related areas.


Fast Fact

Approximately 41% of the total student enrollment in the biosystems engineering major are female, and nearly one-third of the faculty members are female.



Real-World Projects

Each student in the biosystems engineering program will complete the two-semester senior design capstone course. The capstone provides you a team driven, open-ended design experience, and your final projects are evaluated by an external professional advisory panel.


Hands-on from the Start

Freshman and transfer students design a portion of a capstone senior design project.


Award-Winning Student Organizations

The Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering is home multiple student organizations, including Cowboy Motorsports and Cowboy Waterworks.


A strong partnership

Biosystems engineering students are part of both the Ferguson College of Agriculture and the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology which enables them to benefit from the strengths of both academic colleges. Students receive communication from both colleges and are able to take advantage of the services, scholarships and award recognition programs available in both.


One Degree, Two Colleges

Biosystems engineering graduates have the benefit of embracing the interdisciplinary features of the degree and representation of two colleges, the Ferguson College of Agriculture and the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, rooted in STEM and the founding of our land grant institution.


Nationally Accredited Program

The bachelor of science degree in biosystems engineering is accredited, along with the other engineering programs in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, through the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. The Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering and its faculty are administered through the Ferguson College of Agriculture.

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