Animal science is the study of domestic animals including livestock species (beef,
dairy cattle, goats, horses, poultry, sheep and swine) and companion animals. You
will learn about their nutrition, genetics, reproduction, behavior and health.
Why animal science at OSU?
Animal science is a versatile major. You will study concepts from production to processing,
and learn about the value associated with livestock and domestic animals. Whether
you plan to attend veterinary school, run a ranch, work for an animal health company,
work in communications or anything in between, there is an option that will fit your
Animal science graduates are presented with knowledge in a broad variety of fields
from the conception of animals to the consumption and use of products provided by
those animals. Graduates are exposed to topics from physiology, nutrition and genetics
to animal business, meats and production systems. You can look forward to a career
in one of the following fields:
Animal welfare specialist
Extension educator
Feed salesperson
Feedlot operator
Herd manager
Livestock producer
Marketing and sales consultant
Medical doctor/physical therapist/dentist/etc.
Pharmaceutical representative
Research scientist
annually awarded by the OSU Department of Animal and Food Sciences
Hands-on learning
You can receive valuable, hands-on experience at 15 farms and research facilities
encompassing 13,000 acres.
Fast fact
The department sponsors five judging teams: dairy cattle, horse, livestock, meat and
meat animal evaluation. The teams have a combined total of more than 40 national championships
– more than any other university in the country.
Pre-Professional Options
Students interested in Pre-Veterinary Medicine have an opportunity to gain valuable
hands-on experience in upper level animal science courses, while completing all pre-requisites
for veterinary school. The Pre-Veterinary Animal Science option allows students to
complete the 3+1 program, using the first year of veterinary school for the final
year of their bachelor’s degree.
Students interested in medical, dental, or other health fields can major in Animal
Science with an option in Pre-Med or Biotechnology. These students will complete required
prerequisites for the professional school of their choice while completing a B.S.
in Animal Science. This option allows students to take core animal science classes
and species production classes of their choice to enhance their knowledge and understanding
of animal agriculture.
Undergraduate research opportunities
The department’s Undergraduate Research Scholars Program provides you with valuable
hands-on experience working on cutting-edge research projects side-by-side with faculty,
graduate students, research technicians and research unit managers. The program builds
a solid foundation in research methods to better prepare you for industry and academic
careers in animal or food sciences.