Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
For us, it's personal
For the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, business is personal. With the goal of improving the lives of Oklahomans, OCES offers a variety of educational programs.
Extension topics
1,300+Fact sheets
We provide research-based information on agriculture, economic development, family and consumer sciences, gardening and much more.
Outreach & engagement
Fulfilling its land-grant mission, OSU has a responsibility and commitment to providing educational opportunities to the citizens of Oklahoma. Learn more.
VIEW ALLThree administrative support staff members received the Heart of Extension Award from OSU Extension.
Taxpayers can still take advantage of tax credits and deductions before the end of the year.
The leadership development opportunity is open to OSU Extension county educators, district/area specialists and Community Nutrition Education Program coordinators.
A new state of Oklahoma research study, commissioned by United WE and conducted by researchers from the College of Education and Human Sciences and the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University, illustrates that there are many more children in Oklahoma than there are spots in licensed facilities, and the supply is not evenly distributed.