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CEAT student working on a research project

What is chemical engineering?

Chemical engineering is a discipline focused on conceiving and designing processes to produce, transform and transport materials — beginning with experimentation in the laboratory followed by implementation of the technology.

Why chemical engineering at OSU?

The mission of the School of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University is to develop human resources, professional knowledge and the infrastructure through which chemical engineering can contribute to human welfare. We expect to maintain national recognition for our contributions. Traditional careers are in the chemical, energy and oil industries, with increasing opportunities in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

Career paths

Professions in, but not limited to, the energy, manufacturing or medical fields with the following possible job titles:


The national average pass rate for the FE exam has been 85% since 1995.


National Contenders

OSU’s award winning undergraduate chemical engineering program with ChE students consistently out-performs those from other programs across the nation as evidenced by the above average Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam results and national competitions.

  • OSU chemical engineering students have won more AIChE National Student Design Team Competitions than any other school.
  • OSU chemical engineering students consistently participate in the AIChE ChemE-Car competition with an OSU team qualifying for the national competition every year but once since 2003.

CHE student conducting research in a lab

First-Class Faculty and Staff

All undergraduate chemical engineering courses are taught by award winning faculty with extensive industrial experience.

Scholarship Opportunities

The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology offers a variety of competitive scholarships. To learn more, view all CEAT scholarship opportunities.



No university has received more safety awards from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Safety and Health Division than OSU for the AIChE National Student Design Competition.

Students benefit from a nationally accredited curriculum that balances theory and hands-on application experiences in the state-of-art ENDEAVOR undergraduate lab.

State-of-the-art Unit Operations Laboratory provides more hands-on experience than most universities. Students chose 10 apparatuses to work on out of 20 available options, and gain experience in completing written reports and oral presentations modeled after industry practices.

Medical schools readily accept our chemical engineering pre-medical graduates.

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CHE student working in lab


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