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male graduate student looking at a research sample

Master's in Science

The Master of Science degree in Comparative Biomedical Sciences prepares graduates for careers in industrial, governmental, or academic technical, regulatory or research positions. The plan of study is designed to meet the student's needs and interests and typically includes courses in molecular and cell biology, pathophysiology, statistics, seminar and electives.


The MS may be earned with 30 credit hours beyond a bachelor’s degree or 21 hours beyond the DVM or equivalent degree including required coursework:

  • CBSC 5013 Comparative Biomedical Sciences I: Cell and Molecular Biology
  • CBSC 5023 Comparative Biomedical Sciences II: Pathophysiology
  • STAT 5013 Statistics for Experimenters I
  • CBSC 6110 Seminar
  • CBSC 5000 MS Research and Thesis (not more than 6 credit hours)
jerry malayer

"Based on the One Health model, our research spans animal and human health, as well as aspects of the environment that impinge on health and well-being. Biomedical research utilizing the tools of comparative medicine, comparative and functional genomics, and other modern approaches to the understanding of health and disease, promises extraordinary opportunities for contributions to the quality of life in many parts of the world.”

- Dr. Jerry Malayer
Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education, College of Veterinary Medicine

Research and Faculty

The Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program is comprised of faculty from each department at the College of Veterinary Medicine, encompassing a wide-range of disciplines to create a multidisciplinary graduate program of excellence.


Research Highlights



Admission to the graduate program requires a bachelor’s degree in a field of science.


Other Requirements:

  • Submit an application for admission to the OSU Graduate College
  • 3.0 GPA or 75 percent of the maximal GPA is recommended
  • Statement of purpose stating how earning a graduate degree in CBSC will further your education and career goals
  • Three letters of reference from individuals able to assess your potential success in graduate studies


Cost & Assistance

OSU is a Research-Extensive University, and graduate students play a vital role in its teaching, research and outreach missions. Over 1,700 graduate students help finance their graduate education at OSU through employment as Graduate Teaching Assistants/Associates (GTA) and Graduate Research Assistants/Associates (GRA).


All CBSC students are on assistantships. An assistantship comes with a yearly stipend, full tuition waiver (must still pay fees) and graduate student insurance. A limited number of graduate teaching assistantships (GTAs) are available for those applicants with qualifications to instruct in veterinary anatomy, histology, infectious diseases or parasitology. A limited number of graduate research assistantships (GRAs) are available as well for those applicants with interests and qualifications in particular areas of research supported by research grants from external funding agencies to a particular faculty mentor. The department will help match you with faculty who have openings and best meet your research interests.



Assistantships and support

Financing graduate school 

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