Business Sustainability & Nonprofit Management option
What is business sustainability & nonprofit management?
Business sustainability focuses on the well-being of people and the planet while conducting business in a
profitable way. Sustainable businesses pursue market solutions that push them ahead
of the competition or help them to enter new markets with products better suited for
long-term growth. By studying nonprofit management, you will obtain knowledge in topics
like managing a blended workforce of paid staff and volunteers, public image, accountability
and measures of success.
Why business sustainability & nonprofit management at OSU?
Pursuing the business sustainability & nonprofit management option as part of your
management major at OSU will prepare you to navigate the challenges of avoiding harm
to society and the environment. You will be exposed to business opportunities that
serve the bottom line of profits, society and the environment. Students will gain
skills and knowledge about the non-profit sector that will prepare them to enter the
sector as professionals or board members.