A certification in program name coupled with a bachelor’s degree conveys to potential employers that the certificate-holder
has an understanding of human psychology that provides insight into how to best reach
the target audience.
The undergraduate certificate in certificate name enhances the marketability and employability
of graduates across programs at the OSU. The completion of this certificate may be
achieved through a combination of in-person and online courses.
Required Courses (9 credit hours):
ABCD 1234: Course Name
EFGH 5678: Course Name
IJKL 9101: Course Name
Select 3 hours from:
MNOP 2345: Course Name
QRST: 6789: Course Name
Select 6 hours from:
ABCD 1234: Course Name
EFGH 5678: Course Name
IJKL 9101: Course Name*
MNOP 2345: Course Name
QRST: 6789: Course Name*
*Courses available online.
Career Options
Other fields that could be enhanced with such a certificate include, but are not limited