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Horticulture faculty member and graduate student evaluating research.

Master's in Horticulture

Global dependence on technological advancements and sustainable resource use will require more people to solve increasingly complex problems in the future.
The Master of Science in horticulture graduate program can help students tailor a career path from a variety of graduate specialization areas mentored by faculty in the OSU Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture .


The horticulture master's degree program can be completed through one of two options: the horticultural science option or the horticultural practice option.

Horticultural Science Option

Requires completion of a minimum of 30 hours of coursework including
6 hours of HORT 5000, Thesis Research.

Horticultural Practice Option

Requires completion of a minimum of 36 hours of coursework including
2 to 8 hours of HORT 5110, Special Problems.


Graduate students can  become a part of research programs in one or more specialization areas including:


  • Controlled Environments in Horticulture
  • Extraction Science
  • Horticultural Food Science
  • Ornamental Crop/Turfgrass Genetic Improvement and Plan Selection
  • Turfgrass Science
  • Water Quality and Utilization

Research and Faculty

LED-lighted greenhouse in OSU Greenhouse Learning Center.

The new Greenhouse Learning Center is the best in the country for teaching and research and features a state-of-the-art classroom, five greenhouses, and an isolated entomology greenhouse. The modern and advanced facility includes cutting-edge irrigation, lighting, and environmental control systems as well as the Southwood Landscape and Nursery Prep Area, and storage space for soil, equipment and chemicals.

Departmental faculty and Emeriti faculty include numerous Fellows of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS), many of which have served and/or are serving in key leadership positions for the society. Faculty within our Department occupy a number of prestigious endowed chair positions: The Huffine Endowed Professor of Turfgrass Science, the Charles and Linda Shackelford Endowed Professor of Floriculture, the Scottie Scott Endowed Professorship, and the Virgil and Marge Jurgensmeyer Endowed Research Professorship in Product Development.


Meet our Departmental Faculty



Admission to the horticulture graduate program requires completion of the OSU Graduate College application for admission. In addition, the OSU Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture requires the following:

  • Three (3) letters of recommendation
  • Statement of research and career interests
    • Summarize why you want to do graduate studies within the horticulture graduate program, what your research interests are and, if possible, who you would like to work with as major professor
  • GRE scores
  • International applicants pursuing a teaching assistantship must score a 26 or better on the speaking portion of the iBT TOEFL or 8.5 or higher on the speaking score of the IELTS exam.


Cost and Assistance

Many students help finance graduate education through part-time, paid employment as a graduate assistant. As a graduate assistant, you can expand and apply your knowledge and skills under the supervision of faculty or staff.


Assistantships in the OSU Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture are offered on a competitive basis and are usually defined within an offer letter at time of admittance into the horticulture graduate program. The Horticulture Graduate Committee makes a recommendation regarding applicant’s eligibility for departmental assistantships which is forwarded to the Department Head for consideration.


Cost and Aid

Assistantships and Funding Opportunities

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