The PhD in Education, option in Language, Literacy and Culture is designed for those
who want to explore the teaching and learning of literacy in sociocultural contexts,
promote digital and global perspectives of language and literacy and advance expertise
in the complexities of communicating and engaging in our society. We are an interdisciplinary
scholarly community that embraces the intersections of language, literacy and culture
as transformative spaces for learning, negotiating meaning and engaging in social
action. Through culturally proactive language and literacy pedagogies, we work to
enrich lives, empower educators and learners and advocate for all people. Our graduates
develop the knowledge and skills to become global literacy change agents, scholars,
language and literacy education leaders, language arts curriculum specialists and
university teacher education faculty.
This 69-credit hour program provides the knowledge, skills and experiences necessary
for understanding the theory, research, historical and current perspectives in the
teaching and learning in language, literacy and culture education.
The five disciplinary pillars of our program, coursework and research are:
You will work with faculty who will mentor you throughout the research and publication
process on a broad range of scholarly projects. Our literacy research methodologies
internship course provides one opportunity to work closely with a faculty member on
a collaborative research project that may lead to publication or other scholarly products.
Doctoral students also have many chances to collaborate with faculty on a variety
of field-based and scholarly projects, programs and engagements.
Applications are accepted for fall semester admission only. To be considered for
assistantship opportunities, the application deadline is January 15 for studies that
begin in August of the same year. For applicants not seeking an assistantship, the
application deadline is April 1 for a fall start.
Fall Priority Deadline for Assistantship Application - January 15
Fall Final Deadline (Non-assistantship) - April 1
To apply to the PhD in Education, option in Language, Literacy and Culture program,
complete the following: