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Student studying crops

Doctorate in Crop Science

The crop science doctoral program is an in-depth program focusing on crop production and management, biotechnology, crop physiology, cropping systems and modeling, and plant breeding and genetics.
Through their research and coursework, students will explore opportunities the department offers to pursue their own interests and make professional connections while building a solid foundation for a successful future.


The Doctor of Philosophy program in crop science requires 78 credit hours including a minimum of 21 thesis/dissertation credit hours. Through coursework and research, students pursuing a PhD in crop science will gain technical knowledge and experience in the field and enhance their professional skills. Students can specialize in one of the following areas:


  • Crop Physiology
  • Cropping Systems and Modeling
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Plant Breeding and Genetics
  • Weed Science

Research and Faculty

Student in fieldThe OSU Department of Plant and Soil Sciences is home to a family of faculty, staff and students who take pride in their commitment to create positive change in the world. From the classroom to the field, the department is working to develop systems that provide society’s most basic needs in a sustainable way. Crop production, plant breding and genetics, biotechnology, and biofuels are just a few of the critical areas where students will find strong programs in teaching, research and extension.


Meet our Departmental Faculty



Prospective students must meet the general requirements for admission to the OSU Graduate College. The departmental graduate coordinator and faculty in an applicant's area of interest will review applications and make recommendations to the department head relative to the qualifications of individual applicants. Qualified applicants must be accepted by a departmental advisor prior to being considered for official admission to the university. The department head recommends acceptance or rejection of individual applicants to the Dean of the Graduate College.


Cost and Assistance

Many students help finance graduate education through part-time, paid employment as a graduate assistant. As a graduate assistant, you can expand and apply your knowledge and skills under the supervision of faculty or staff.


Graduate Research (GRA) and Teaching Assistantships (GTA) in the OSU Department of Plant and Soil Sciences are awarded on a competitive basis. Wherever possible, students with the best academic record and greatest potential for graduate study are given highest priority for assistantship support in any specific research discipline.


Cost and Aid

Assistantships and Funding Opportunities

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