Doctorate in Business Administration option in Entrepreneurship
The business administration Ph.D. option in entrepreneurship produces graduates who
can meaningfully advance theory and practice within the discipline of entrepreneurship
and contribute to the pedagogical development of the field. The doctoral program is
personalized to reflect the intellectual interests of the students while capitalizing
on the strengths of our entrepreneurship faculty. Students are afforded the opportunity
to generate and publish research with faculty mentors and receive active support in
facilitating their own research. The OSU program is intended to be small, selective and rigorous. Although our core
emphasis is innovative, growth-oriented ventures, we seek students interested in entrepreneurial
behavior in all of its manifestations, including start-up, corporate, social and public
sector contexts.
School of Entrepreneurship faculty are prolific researchers and scholars. The academic articles they write help advance
understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset and the new venture creation process.
Our faculty also author textbooks, practitioner-oriented publications, and thought
pieces. The idea is to produce publications that advance entrepreneurial thought,
education, understanding and practice.
The School of Entrepreneurship has its own set of requirements for admittance, along
with requirements for the OSU Graduate College. Please see department based requirements
Application deadline is Feb. 1.
Three names and email addresses for recommendations.
Current resume or curriculum vitae.
A letter outlining your motives for pursuing a PhD in entrepreneurship including your
professional goals and research interests as they relate to entrepreneurship.
The School of Entrepreneurship and Spears School of Business provides an annual stipend
to doctoral students who qualify as well as support in attending key national conferences
in entrepreneurship. Competitive summer research grants are available to support the
research interests of doctoral students. We place a strong emphasis on close faculty
mentoring of doctoral students and forums for doctoral students to present and develop
their research ideas. Finally, doctoral students are mentored to help them develop
strong teaching skills.