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His leadership is without limits.


When he arrived in 2015, he immersed himself in campus life, joining a fraternity and becoming a campus tour guide. After his sophomore year, he joined a church leadership program in Texas that took him around the world. But his OSU story wasn’t over yet. 


Returning to campus in 2019 with a broadened perspective, Caileb was eager to get involved on campus. Despite his hiatus, his vision and passion propelled him to election victory as the first black president of the university’s Interfraternity Council. He said OSU’s welcoming culture stands above and he wants to build on that.

Now he is looking toward the future and how he can unite the university’s Greek community and expand philanthropic efforts to reach even more people in the Stillwater community, the state of Oklahoma and beyond.  


Caileb believes being a Cowboy means having a different gear — the initiative and tenacity to get things done. 


That’s the kind of leader Caileb is.


That’s how we build Cowboys.




WE ARE ALL COWBOYSHailing from all 50 states and 98 countries, we are united by the Cowboy Code.

  • We end the day knowing we gave it everything we had
  • We dream only as big as the sky
  • We know challenges come with pain, but pain will not win
  • We have a passion to do what's right, even when it's hard
  • We stand for what matters, even if we stand alone
  • We finish what we start
  • Being a Cowboy isn't in our clothes, it's in our character
Inspired by the book "Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn from The Code of the West." © 2004 James P. Owen
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