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Her calling is helping others. 


Abigail grew up with this lesson: if you can help someone you have an obligation to do so. She was all but certain medical school was in her future, but at OSU she found a different path to helping others — her path. 


She was always interested in psychology and her experience at OSU helped her see through the fog to a future in psychology. 

Now a double major in psychology and philosophy with a minor in Spanish, the Oklahoma State Scholar Society member is looking forward to raising awareness for mental health challenges and meeting them head on in the field with an interdisciplinary approach.

But even as she looks ahead, she continues to find ways to make a positive impact in the present. 


As a researcher with the Oklahoma Center for Evolutionary Analysis, the sophomore is working to prepare articles for scholarly publication. She’s also compiling and sharing volunteer opportunities with other students, working as a volunteer archivist and crafting student government legislation to allow students to donate meal plan funds to those in need. She has volunteered as an English as a Second Language teacher, Spanish translator, and tutor for AP and ACT testing, as well.


She said OSU has provided her with amazing opportunities to grow and help others. To her being a Cowboy means getting up when you’re knocked down. It also means raising others up. 


That’s how we build Cowboys. 




WE ARE ALL COWBOYSHailing from all 50 states and 98 countries, we are united by the Cowboy Code.

  • We end the day knowing we gave it everything we had
  • We dream only as big as the sky
  • We know challenges come with pain, but pain will not win
  • We have a passion to do what's right, even when it's hard
  • We stand for what matters, even if we stand alone
  • We finish what we start
  • Being a Cowboy isn't in our clothes, it's in our character
Inspired by the book "Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn from The Code of the West." © 2004 James P. Owen
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