2020 Census FAQs
Respond to the 2020 Census
Be Counted in Stillwater
Housing Information
Greek Life or Residence Halls
If you normally would have lived in a res hall or Greek house on April 1, 2020, don’t worry. OSU is working with the Census Bureau to count you. You don’t have to do anything.
Off-campus housing
If you normally would have lived in an apartment or house on April 1, 2020, alone or with roommates, you should have received an invitation to respond to the census in the mail. Respond online, by phone or by mail. Make sure you use the address where you would have been living while at school in spring 2020. Include everyone who lived with you as well.
Already moved home?
If you weren’t in Stillwater to get your mail, you can still respond at 2020census.gov.
What is the 2020 Census?
How do I take the 2020 Census?
- Telephone
- Personal visit by a trained census worker (with a laptop, Smartphone, tablet, or with paper questionnaires)
- Online
- Paper form
- or using a combination of these methods
Why should I complete the Census?
- It's required. Responding to the Census is required by Title 13 of the United States Code, the same law that guarantees the privacy of your responses.
- The population totals from the 2020 census will determine the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives.
- The totals also affect funding in our community, as well as help with funding for nonprofits, schools, road repairs and potentially bring new restaurants and shopping to Stillwater.
- It's easy. You can complete the census online, using your smartphone, over the phone, or by filling out a paper form.